
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Powerful Ways to Nurture Your Spirit

Woman Practicing Mindfulness

Spiritual nurturing is the practice of taking care of your spirit to give you a sense of purpose and meaning, and helps you feel fully alive and connected. Spiritual activities can encourage mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and helps build self-esteem and self-confidence. 

Nurturing your spirit is not a "one size fits all" experience. It varies in what it looks and feels like from one person to the next. With this in mind, consider what nurturing your spirit looks like for you. Engage in those things that resonate with you.

Here are powerful ways to nurture 

your spirit: 

1. Care for your Physical Self. Caring for your physical wellbeing can be a spiritual practice, when it helps you give your physical body and mind tender loving care (TLC). 

When you care for your body by eating healthy foods,  and getting adequate sleep and exercise, you create the energy you need to get closer to realizing your purpose in life.

 2. Practice Gratitude. Make a daily list of those things you are Grateful for. For ideas see Top Reasons to Practice Gratitude with Tips to Help You Do It.

3. Reflect Through Journaling. Journal Writing helps to mirror and comfort the mind, open the heart, and reconnect with Spirit.

4. Explore Meditation, Prayer, Yoga, or other Mindfulness Practices. Any activity that draws your focus inward may help you approach daily living with a calmer presence, clearer mind, and open heart.

5. Read Something Inspirational. When you focus on positive thoughts including quotations, affirmations, motivational articles and books, blog posts, newsletters, etc. you train yourself to look for the good.

6. Commune with Nature. Glancing outside or being outdoors and immersed in nature can be a wonderful spiritual experience. For tips read Improve Health Spend Quality Time in Nature.

Restorative Energy from Nature to Nuture Your Spirit

7. Eat wisely. Eat meals on a consistent basis and choose high nutrient foods that are low fat and low sugar. Note which foods improve your mood.

8. Laugh and Play. Laughing and having fun is good medicine. Take breaks from work to watch a funny movie, read a humorous book, or spend time with your pet or someone who makes you laugh.

Unconditioanl love nutures the spirit

9. Clean and organize. Even the simplest of tasks like tidying up your physical environment can be a spiritual practice. 

A neat, uncluttered living and working space encourages concentration and improves your mental outlook.

10. Connect With Others. Social connections can help you feel loved, cared for, and valued, which can improve mood, reduce stress, and help you feel less alone. 

Try to focus on what's good in yourself and others. Notice the sacred in and around you. Sure, there's plenty of bad stuff, yet you'll find joy and contentment in relationships by being optimistic and open to abundance.


I'd love to hear your thoughts about nurturing your spirit.

Please share comments in the section below. 

Which of the activities I mentioned have you used to help reduce stress and create ease?

Which spirit-centered activities do you want to use more often in the coming months?

Please explain in the comments section below.

Please don't put links in your comment, as I won't be able to publish it that way.

Thanks for the visit and please come back again.

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Thursday, August 15, 2024

10 Fun and Easy Summer Self-care Ideas

Refresh Yourself Outdoors

Summer's last hurrah is an expression that refers to saying goodbye to summer, similar to waving goodbye to an old friend. It can also be used to acknowledge that summer is not yet over.

Make the most of the remaining weeks of this glorious sunny season, by seeing “10 Fun and Easy Summer Self-care Ideas” to help you end summer with that last hurrah.

10 Fun and Easy Summer Self-care Ideas 

1. Practice Summer Skin Sun Safety. Best time to walk and play outdoors is early or late in the day. Use a broad spectrum sunscreen before going outdoors (30-50 SPF) and re-apply often during the day. Wear UV protected sunglasses as well.


2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Good hydration improves mood, sleep, and overall health. Want to find out more? See Hydration Calculator: How Much Water Do You Need to Drink in a Day?”


 3. Even during the summer, when routines may be interrupted by vacations, outings, and gatherings, remember to do those “Simple Morning Routines That Help Us Thrive All Day.” 


 4. Make it a habit to exercise each day. Check out one of my favorite YouTube links. It's Yoga with Adriene for stress reduction, flexibility, and resilience. When you start any new exercise, slowly build up to the difficulty and skill level you want to reach. Sports, running errands, and participating in games outdoors all count as exercise. 


 5. If you resist doing exercises, tell yourself a little each day is better than none. Care for yourself with  aerobic exercise, stretches, and strength training. Warm up stretches combined with power walking with weights or your body weight covers all bases. Exercise pays off by reducing stress, helps keep you fit, and elevates mood.


6. Plan summer meals so they are lighter, fresher, and have fewer ingredients. Make them ones that you may be able to prepare ahead of time or batch cook. Here are tips to help you reap the Benefits of Eating In-Season Fruit and Veggies.”


Father and Daughter Barefoot at Beach

7. Walk barefoot on a beach or in a meadow. Discover a sense of being grounded, centered, and balanced. To learn more about the root chakra and developing and maintaining a strong foundation as you journey onward read “Root Chakra Tips to Support, Stabilize, and Sustain You.”


Yoga Exercise for Root Chakra

8. Wear your favorite color or colors to boost your mood. Learn more at “Secrets to Selecting Top Fashion Colors to Flatter You.”


9. Take breaks during the day to unplug and move away from your electronic devices. If you prefer, create "no-tech zones" in your home. Better yet, pack a picnic and enjoy the great outdoors. Time spent in nature is good for your mind, body, and spirit.


10. Seek out little moments of joy in the day, including taking a cat nap, drinking herbal tea with a friend, smelling the beautiful flowers in your garden or anything that refreshes or inspires you.




Before you go, please leave a comment. What activities do you like to do during the summer?


Which of the self-care ideas I mentioned do you want to add?


What do you think would help you enjoy the summer more fully? Please share that as well.


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Thursday, August 1, 2024

Benefits of Eating In-Season Fruit and Veggies

In-season/Local Produce has Many Benefits

When we serve vegetables and fruits during peak season, we reap many nutritional, environmental, and taste benefits.

In-Season Produce:

Produce that is local and in-season for your geographic area contains more nutrients, because it's so fresh. Fruit and veggies lose nutrients as soon as they are harvested. The cost and amount of time it takes to ship from distant places makes veggie and fruit prices higher than local fare.

Eating in-season/local food is good for the environment. Produce can come from nearby small farms or even your home garden. You may be able to check with the farmer to ask which crops are sprayed or grown with pesticides, and avoid those that are. Also replacing meat protein for plant protein makes a big difference in our health (both personal and planetary).

Seasonal eating supports local businesses and farmers.

Locally grown fresh seasonal produce is convenient, as it is sold at local farmers markets, CSAs, and even a nearby grocery store.

Eating by each season naturally adds variety to your diet by adjusting your grocery list to things that are in the market during each season.

Want to know when specific crops are at their peak? See Seasonal Produce Chart: Month by Month.

Locally grown produce tastes better when it’s picked and offered for sale in its ideal season and is fresh and vital.

In-season produce saves you money, because you’re eating fruit and veggies at their peak availability.

Colorful in-season produce may motivate you to learn new recipes, cook  creatively, and select those produce items that are ripe, juicy, seasonal, and have eye and taste appeal.

Please look below for examples of recipes that use produce that is at its peak in various seasons.

Asparagus is at its peak in Spring

Recipe for Spring Steamed Asparagus Here.

Recipe for the Best Tomato Gazpacho Soup

Recipe for Summer Gazpacho Here


Plant Delicata Squash before First Frost

Recipe for Fall or Winter- Quinoa Stuffed Delicata Squash


Eating fresh fruits and vegetables when they are in-season is more flavorful, eco-friendly, and nutritious. Fruits and veggies don't have to be processed or preserved. 

In-season produce spends less time in transit from farm to table, so it retains more of its flavor and nutrition. It also costs less than crops that are imported. 

Eating high quality food can help you look and feel healthier, boost energy and mood, and improves sleep and overall wellness. 

Those things are excellent reasons why food selection needs to be an important lifestyle priority.

What is your favorite type of produce in spring, summer, autumn, and winter?

Please comment below.

How do you like to serve your favorite seasonal veggie or fruit? Please share with us in the comments section below.

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Thanks so much for your visit and please come back again.

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Awesome Vegan Zucchini Lasagna Recipe


Vegan Lasagna: delicious, nutritious, and attractive

In a food rut? My suggestion is to make Awesome Vegan Zucchini Lasagna, as I did this week. This gluten free plant-based dish is sure to perk up your taste buds. It's a simple-to-follow recipe that's tasty as all get out. 




Zucchini, which is at its peak during the summer, is featured in place of lasagna noodles. 

The filling is made with bright red tomato sauce, vibrant herbs and spices, and tofu,which is high in protein, fiber, calcium, and additional nutrients. This protein powerhouse builds muscle, protects your health, and lowers cancer risk.




Although this lasagna is low-carb and gluten-free, it's hearty and filling. Each serving is colorful, tasty, and nourishing.



Awesome Vegan Zucchini Lasagna with Arugula, Caper, and Red Pepper Salad 


No need to worry about handling tofu. Here are simple directions to prep tofu.



The secret to making this bland tasting high protein ingredient flavorful is to season it well. Use plenty of Italian type spices and herbs. Your meal mates and you will shout its praises.  




With no cholesterol and moderate cost to boot (organic tofu is approx. $2.00-$3.00 per package), this entrée is both healthy and economical.




Let it bubble away in the oven, while you read the Sunday paper or watch the game. If you prefer, prep it a day ahead so the flavors meld. Allow a half hour prep time and an hour cook time. Whenever you decide to cook it, take it from me, it's fun to assemble, cook, and serve.



Awesome Vegan Zucchini Lasagna Recipe






1 14 oz.-16 oz. container firm or extra firm organic tofu that has been drained

4 medium organic zucchini

2 15 oz. cans crushed, chopped, or diced organic tomatoes including juice, or a jar of ready-made tomato sauce, or fresh in-season tomatoes instead

1 can (4 oz.) organic mushrooms or 1/2 cup fresh mushrooms chopped

1 medium chopped organic onion

4 fresh garlic cloves peeled and minced

1 cup fresh chopped basil (1/2 cup for sauce and 1/2 cup for tofu)

2 teaspoons dried thyme (half for sauce and half for tofu) or 2 Tablespoons fresh chopped thyme (half and half)

2 Tablespoons of fresh chopped sage (half for sauce and half for tofu) or 2 teaspoons dried sage (half for sauce and half for tofu)

1/4 cup fresh oregano (half for sauce and half for tofu)


Optional: Adding extra items to the sauce adds depth, increases thickness, nutrients, and calories. Try adding one or more of the following: 1/2 cup fresh tomatoes, 1-6 oz. can organic tomato paste, 2 organic chopped carrots, 1 organic red pepper chopped, 1 teaspoon hot pepper flakes, bunch organic parsley chopped, a few sprigs of rosemary, beans or legumes, or other seasonings you enjoy.


TIP: Although this recipe has many ingredients, you can simplify it by replacing all the herbs and spices with a ready-made Italian seasoning blend


What to Do:


1.    Gather ingredients including a 13"x9"x2 1/4" baking pan or similar. Preheat oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Drain tofu for at least 10-15 minutes, then mash or chop drained tofu. 


2.   Cut off end pieces of 4 medium organic zucchini. Zucchini is often sandy, so scrap and rinse zucchini. Slice each with a mandolin slicer or by hand. Make pieces about 1/8 " thick. Here's a photo to show you how 2 zucchini look, after they have been scrapped clean, and the other two have been sliced thin.

Zucchini for Vegan Lasagna: delicious, nutritious, and attractive


3.  Chop onion and mince garlic. Brown onion and garlic in a small frying pan, and put half into the tofu bowl.


4. In a bowl, combine all ingredients that are going into the sauce including chopped onion and garlic and blend them together. I like thick sauce so I always add an optional can of tomato paste.


5. Spread a layer of tomato sauce on the bottom of the baking dish and put a layer of zucchini over it. 


6. Spread the tofu mixture over that. Top with a third layer (zucchini layer). Top with remaining tomato sauce. Grind on fresh pepper and salt to taste. Add parsley, basil, or other fresh herbs as a garnish. May also add vegan cheese shreds.


7. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in a 400 degree F oven for approximately three-quarters of an one hour. Uncover and cook until zucchini is soft and lightly browned. Test to see whether a knife will cut through a piece easily.

See how fun it was to make? Only seven steps and you're done!


Awesome Vegan Zucchini Lasagna is the perfect dish to eat on the weekend, either for brunch or dinner. It serves 4-6 generous portions, with leftovers.



Before you go, please comment.


Have you ever made Lasagna out of zucchini?


Please share below.


Are you trying to replace animal sourced protein with Whole Food Plant-based Protein? Would you like to try this recipe? Please let me know.


I appreciate each comment, but will not publish those with links. Thanks for understanding.


If you want a taste-treat, or are vegan, or have friends or family who eat plant-based, this is a good dish to serve. It also is a great dish to bring to a potluck or other type of event.


Please let me know when you make it. If you found this post interesting, please share on social media with a link-back to this post.

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